Welcome to Lubavitch Girls High School.
LGHS is a place for any and every student who wants to learn, no matter their educational background or financial means. The Rebbe spoke often about how a quality education nurtures personal growth as well as academic growth.
We aim to kindle the hearts and minds of our students with Chassidic pride and inspire commitment to a Chassidic way of life. In this way, we cultivate love and compassion for one’s fellow Jew, and a sense of responsibility for supporting a just and moral society.

The Rebbe's Vision
The Rebbe emphasized that the state of our future generations is entrusted to our young women. They are our future teachers, leaders, and the cornerstones of family life. It is our goal to empower them and excite them to take on these roles. They will be the ones to shape their communities, and inspire the next generations to experience the love and joy of Torah.

A partner with the JUF
in serving our community.
Our school is recognized by the Illinois State Board of Education.